School Programmes

We distribute effective e-learning solutions e.g. educational software – mostly for mathematics, science, literacy and early childhood development, mobile computer labs, e-beam interactive whiteboards, subject dictionaries and question banks for the benefit of both learners and educators. We supply/distribute modern technique tools that enable educators to choose most suitable methods of presenting Maths and Science content from the variety of styles in our programmes.

This approach makes the entire learning process very effective and exciting even for the learners. Our programs cater for both Primary and High School environment. Our products can be used both in schools and home environment around South Africa and the rest of the African continent.

Our Maths and Science programs have also assisted a good number of Corporates  who contributed these to less privileged schools for CSI.

Benefits derived from using our products

The mobile computer laboratory (cart) with laptops is a convenient way of providing a movable computer laboratory which is very cost effective. Its mobility enables educators to cover a wider range of learners speedily, with them not having to leave their desks/learning stations.

By using our software programs the following benefits are derived:

  • Educators are able to set assessments based on work already covered, and obtain reports that give them a clearer understanding of where each learner is at, thus enabling them to gauge the level of proficiency of each learner and apply remedial action/s where necessary.
  • Learners can also do the embedded exercises, quiz questions to practise what has been taught in class.
  • Educators can also set Homework electronically for the learners.
  • System generated reports filled with graphics and animation make it easy for educators to monitor progress and stimulate learners.
  • The question banks program enables educators to systematically set examination papers and generate memo sheets for these. It also provides opportunity for the exam papers to be moderated and provides weighting on these.
  • Our programs enhance the quality of learning in the classroom and keep the learners motivated to learn whilst also offering them a variety of learning styles.